8 comments on “Dunhill Royal Yacht”

  1. Looks great!! Didn’t think about you recording directly onto your comp! LOL!! Glad you’re up and running full steam ahead! Many blessings! =)

  2. I corrected the problem by re-installing the webcam driver on my HP. It worked like a charm. Thanks for stopping by Angela!

  3. Hey Guy! Glad you got a new chair! I’ve been having a problem with uploading. It takes me about an hour to upload a 5 min video! Changed my settings and still have a problem. Eric can upload one in just a few minutes so it must be my computer or the settings are still wrong. I use Movie Maker program and can change the pixel count which reduces the upload time. The smaller pixel count the less time it takes. Maybe yours is the same. Not sure if that helps. Take care!

  4. hey guy i like royal yacht i think it was better when murrays made it but it is verry good still and i love lobster.
    take care

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