Sir Ben Ainslie Promises His Fans An Unmatched Experience

Two of the preparatory races for 2017 America’s Cup World Series was announced to be held at Portsmouth on Tuesday, 25th November. Following the announcement, Ben Ainslie, regarded as one of the greatest British Sailors has told his fans that they will have an unmatched experience.

The July 2015 and July 2016 America’s Cup World Series events will be held at Portsmouth, which is also a naval base of British Royal Navy. Sir Ben Ainslie has said that holding these two events will greatly benefit Portsmouth financially. Sir Ainslie is aiming at becoming the first British team to win America’s Cup World Series in 2017. He’s based his team in Portsmouth to prepare for their contest against Oracle Team USA.

He said that the last edition of the contest brought great changes to the sport of sailing. Not only there was a great number of Spectator turn out but it was also very much entertaining. He also said that the new yachts will be faster than the previous ones and thus the spectators will find the race to be more entertaining than any other race they’ve seen before, he also asked for support from the fans.

2012 London Olympics’ organizing committee’s deputy chairman, Mr. Keith Mills, who also is the founder of TEAMORIGIN Events, which is in charge of the management of Portsmouth races, has said that he’s very happy that two of the America’s Cup World Series will be held in Portsmouth. He also said that the not only the events will be eye-catching but also it’ll exhibit Portsmouth globally and also the city and the sponsors of the sport will be able to benefit financially from it.

He also said that they intend to do more than hold just two races. He also said that they intend to make the event world class. The event started from the year 1851 and no British team has won this competition yet.

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