Clean beginning for to Cuba race

In the Andrews Institute Pensacola a la Habana race 2015, only 22 boats entered and twenty-one started the race. Jeanneau 45DS of Glenn Benson might not begin because of a broken rudder endured in the oddment storm of Hurricane Patricia in the week. The 1st class to beginning went off at 8:05 am CDT, the early time to get hold of the running tide.

The smaller, slower boats in Classic Cruiser Division began first, followed by Modern Cruiser Division as well as the Multihulls. Winds were under ten kts from east. Threfore, it was a great beginning south out of the Pensacola Bay to Santa Rosa Sound. Following a short run to west in sound, the boats cut via Pensacola Pass as well as headed out into Gulf of Mexico on a beat to Habana. Read More

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