SDYC Announces The Inaugural Of San Diego Olympic Classes Regatta

For those sailors who have an on the Los Angeles Olympic Games in the year 2028, the inaugural San Diego Olympic Classes Regatta (SDOCR) will offer a venue for sailors to compete and train in high-performance international class races. The event will start on October 5 and will conclude in 7th , 2018. The authorities of SDOCR are planning to make the SDOCR an annual event.

Mark Reynolds, the SDYC sailor and two-time Olympic gold medalist speaking about the event shared his memories for the regatta and said. “At the time when I was a kid, at San Diego, we used to have Olympic trials. And after 8 years, I was lucky to get the chance to attend the Olympics of 1976 helping Dennis Conner as well as setting me on my way to try out for the Olympics. I tried hard and after a few tries, my dream of being the part of Olympic came true. It is really good to see how the young sailors at SDYC have the same opportunities that I got. Like me if they will focus on their game and will work hard enough, then competing in the Olympic Games can be their future also. I am really excited to hear that an Olympic Classes Regatta is now coming to San Diego and this year will be followed by the LA Olympics in 2028.”
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